"Adopt technology in your life and in your work, but do not forget your essence and do not forget the love that surrounds you.

Alex Martínez


Tell me the ideas you have and want to make come true or the problems you have and want to solve. I help you choose and develop

Choose the development focus
Data and BI
Choose the development focus
Agile Methodology

The Agile Methodology is a great idea to advance projects and guarantees a stable result in production. One case or SPRINT must be fulfilled before continuing with another. In case of failure or adjustment, the developer teams must be integrated to make their reviews, and the internal business team must also be integrated to review and double-check the objectives in case of change.

  1. PROS
  2. Agile methodologies are ideal for creative, innovative and more uncertain projects
  3. Agile promotes active participation and interaction of all project stakeholders.
  4. The Agile framework is ideal for teams because it generally allows for more interaction between them.
  5. Agile alone is a driver of continuous improvement.
  1. CONS
  2. Its scalability can become a problem
  3. Agile does not always work well on projects whose workflow is predictable and plannable
  4. Planning can be complicated by the fact that delivery dates tend to change
  5. Company representation can become a problem
  6. Members must be highly trained and have transversal skills.

The most used tools are: Trello, Slack, Jira, among others

Cascade Methodology

If the client prefers, it can be planned using the Waterfall Methodology with Gantt Charts for greater convenience and thus visualize and organize an estimate of the achievement of the objectives. Of course, this Methodology has big cons, for example, since development is continuous, user integration into the creation and coding process is very rare, and is only integrated when close to going into production

  1. PROS
  2. Get started with the software fairly quickly
  3. Estimate schedules and budgets more accurately
  4. Use a clear structure
  5. Determine the end goal quickly
  6. Transmits information well
  1. CONS
  2. Makes changes difficult
  3. It is very difficult to respond to problems that may arise, as both feedback and testing are delayed until very late in the project's development.
  4. Excludes the client or end user.
  5. Delay the test until after it is completed
  6. Resolving any problem that arises requires a substantial amount of time, effort, and money.

The most used tools are: Microsoft Project, Excel Schedule, among others


  • Programming Languages
  • C#
  • C++
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Objective C
  • PL / SQL
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Swift
  • Web Development
  • ASPNET Core
  • Canvas
  • Razor
  • React
  • Python
  • Struts
  • WebGL
  • Wordpress
  • Mobile Development
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Cross Platform
  • Desktop Development
  • Java
  • Python
  • Windows Forms
  • Windows Presentation Foundation
  • Database
  • Cassandra
  • Essbase
  • MariaDB / MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • NoSQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • SQL Server
  • BI
  • Bonita BPM
  • Hyperion
  • Pentaho
  • Power BI
  • Qlikview
  • Tableau
  • Data Integration
  • SQL Server Analysis Service
  • SQL Server Integration Service
  • SQL Server Reporting Services
  • IDE
  • Android Studio
  • Eclipse
  • Netbeans
  • Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Code
  • XCode
  • Project Tools
  • Atlassian Jira
  • Microsoft Project
  • Slack
  • Trello
  • Others Apps
  • Abanks
  • Rector
  • Riskguard
  • Topaz

Note: what is highlighted in blue corresponds to what is currently in high demand

Thank you for the trust given
These are the latest projects being worked on

Score Web App

Client Scoring
(Banking Business)


Risk Analysis App
(Bank and Insurance Business)

Sixteen Cell DW

Crypto Wallet
(Logics Studio)

I represent a software consulting service provider company founded since 2012, created with the purpose of developing, optimizing, updating and innovating the operations and productivity of your business using solutions adapted to the needs of each client and each market. There are more than 10 years as a company and 20 years as a programmer and project leader in different companies in different economic sectors: Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications and Pharmaceutical Industry.

There is no problem that cannot be solved, but perhaps time is the worst enemy. Together we can plan, carry out and identify all the points that present most of the processes involved in software development.

Don't worry, you've already come this far. I can help you with the different services that Logics Studio offers.

  • Partners:
Inversiones Logics Studio 828 C.A.
RIF J-403735611
Caracas - Venezuela

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